Great Job! your blog was quite informative and I really liked the use of images and videos. I didnt see an original figure in your blog but maybe you can include a figure with all the threats/risks you found from your research and rank them from which one is most severe to least severe? and I noticed that alot of your information was not cited so that’s another place where u should work on. Lastly, I found the font a bit hard to read (maybe that’s just me). Maybe make it a bigger? Overall, great work!:)-Pooja
Great Job! your blog was quite informative and I really liked the use of images and videos. I didnt see an original figure in your blog but maybe you can include a figure with all the threats/risks you found from your research and rank them from which one is most severe to least severe? and I noticed that alot of your information was not cited so that’s another place where u should work on. Lastly, I found the font a bit hard to read (maybe that’s just me). Maybe make it a bigger? Overall, great work!:)-Pooja