Population Size: There is no information available on the population status of the pygmy three-toed sloth. The population is likely to be relatively small and presumably consists of less than 500 individuals (IUCN, 2011).
Home Range: Their small home ranges average 1.6 Ha (0.016 km²) which is suitable for their lives as solitary individuals (Hayssen, 2008). With these ranges, and area of suitable habitat for the pygmy three-toed sloth leaves room for about 100 individuals living comfortably on the island or, an unsustainable, 300-500 individuals.
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Original Figure by Alana Brooks |
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ReplyDeleteI think you probably need to flesh a lot of the points in your website out with more detail and better citations for your sources. You can do citations by making in text links to websites like you did for the IUCN paper, but it is a good idea to have a page in your blog devoted to your sources that includes bibliographic info for papers and/or web resources you used to make your webpage.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it seems like you haven't come up with an original figure for you web page. I have also struggled with what to do about this for my page. I think its the most difficult part of this project, and it takes some digging though primary sources to figure out. Maybe there is something you could show related to sloth road mortality or something. I am sorry, because I don't have good recommendations off the top of my head.
Overall though, I think this definitely is a good, solid rough draft. Good job :)