Threats to Biodiversity

Assessment Rationale: The pygmy three-toed sloth is listed as Critically Endangered as this species has a very restricted range, being found only on one very small island less than 5 km² in size, and there is likely a continuing decline in the quality of habitat and area of occupancy due to habitat degradation (IUCN, 2011).

  • Poaching: Although the island is uninhabited, there are seasonal visitors (fishermen, lobster divers and local people) who are known to opportunistically hunt the sloths (B. Voirin, pers. comm., 2010).
  • Low Genetic Diversity: Preliminary studies suggest a low level of genetic diversity among pygmy sloths (Silva et al., 2010; N. Moraes-Barros, pers. comm., 2010), which could lead to endogamic depression if the (already low) population size decreases any further.

  • Habitat Degradation: Cutting of the mangroves by indigenous people continues to reduce the area of available habitat for this species. Over the past five years mangrove coverage has been reduced by 25% (IUCN, 2011).

Mangrove Habitat Degradation

1 comment:

  1. It seems like when you make specific claims about things, like the rate of deforestation, then you need to provide a citation for the source of that info.
